
u1101 | venice metro cityvision

u1101 | venice metro cityvision

The Venetian government decided to plan the “tracciato della sublagunare” – a metro for Venice. But Venice is the „city of water” and more than 50.000 tourists per day want to experience the town and its unique canals by gondola or vaporetto. People want to visit Venice on the water, not underneath it…
The metro would be created for a different group of travellers… It creates a possibility to reach and leave any place of the city in the shortest time. A new attraction for inhabitants and business people is offered. Today there is only little space to live and work on the main island. Most of the Venetians live on the southern Giudecca. If the group of everyday people in Venice will change from being predominantly tourists to being a common mixture of workers, inhabitants and visitors an alteration in the city structure will occur naturally.
New areas with different uses will be needed. Maybe parts of the huge harbour area will transform into a new business park. The Guidecca canal can shrink and make space for new housing areas…finally a new age for Venice will rise.
The Metro-stations will be just the first step of the city transformation. Therefore they should be more than just a dark hole in the water. Underneath the water they should welcome the passengers but above they are set to rise just like the campaniles of Venice.

mamuth | Architektur Büro, Mainz

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